The Journey
Following Jesus is a journey--an adventure!
We want to walk alongside you on this journey of faith.
Step 1: Come & See
You might not be ready to believe, but maybe you’re intrigued. A baby in Bethlehem, a Cross, an empty tomb… so many details you’ve heard about and now you’re curious what it’s all about!
The first step on the journey is simply to come and see how this story is lived out in our community.
Step 2: Follow Me
The second step on the journey is to commit to:
Showing up regularly
Learning how to pray with us
Serving others
Step 3: Be with Me
Before this step, you merely admired Jesus. But now you’re His disciple. As such, you’re ready to clothe yourself in Christ by:
Contacting our pastor for a conversation on discipleship (don’t worry, this is not about “grilling” you or “testing” your knowledge. This is a joyous time to prepare for more!)
Being baptized
Reaffirming your baptismal vows
Step 4: Remain in Me
Rooted in Jesus, your ministry is now to:
Represent Christ and Christ’s Church
Bear witness to Christ wherever you go
Use your gifts to carry on Christ’s work
Take your place of service in the Church