Classes and Gatherings
Pulaski Heights Baptist Church is full of friendly, caring people who would love to get to know you! We like to think of ourselves as a real family, connected through our love for Christ. Our members care deeply about one another, celebrating together in times of joy and providing support in times of sorrow.
If this sounds like you, please come join us!
People at PHBC are a diverse group of individuals: a variety of backgrounds, ages, and stages, careers, and interests. They participate in all areas of the church, serving as deacons, leading committees, teaching Sunday School, and organizing mission activities.
There are many ways for you to get involved, but the easiest thing to do is just show up. Come as you are. You are welcome here!
Be sure to check our full calendar on the menu bar above! Our ongoing regular weekly activities include:
Sunday School classes meet on the second floor classroom from 9:30-10:30am.
Flock of Ages, Room 232
Whosoever, Room 230
First Sunday Lunch - The first Sunday of each month! We just enjoy being together. Be our guest for a free Fried Chicken lunch in Hicks Fellowship Hall following worship on the first Sunday of every month.
Mid-week Bible Study begins at 4:00pm on Wednesdays in Room 228.
Prayer Time begins at 5:30pm on Wednesdays with a snack supper provided.