“Look, here is water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?” – Acts 8:36
Baptism is a gift to us from Christ, commanded by him in our belief. By Baptism, we express outwardly the inward grace that we have received through the work of Christ’s death and resurrection. We celebrate and rejoice with all who are ready to receive this magnificent gift!
Baptism accomplishes three things: First, it initiates us into the Christian faith. While we do not practice infant baptism at Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, we believe that God is present and active in all baptisms that invoke the Triune name, regardless of the candidate’s age or the ritual’s “mode.” Though believer’s baptism upon a public confession - “Jesus is Lord” - continues to be our normal practice, we gladly affirm the baptism of all members who come from non-Baptist traditions, meaning we do not require anyone to be rebaptized.
Second, baptism commits us to a life of discipleship. As the Apostle Paul says in his letter to the Romans, baptism unites us to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, effectively mapping our lives onto the trajectory of his ministry. This is why, before being immersed, a baptismal candidate confesses that “Jesus is Lord.” Such a confession acknowledges that our sinful and selfish strivings are “buried” in the watery grave, and we are raised as a new creation conformed to the image of our Lord and King. Baptism is a testimony of personal faith and commitment, involving an intentional choice to follow Christ.
Third, baptism binds us to the Christian community. When we are baptized, we become members of Christ’s universal body. Baptism is therefore a covenantal act in which we promise to practice forgiveness, reconciliation, the pursuit of spiritual growth, and care for the spiritual and material needs of our brothers and sisters.
In other words, baptism makes us citizens of God’s holy nation!