
Some words are prettier than other words and some are totally delightful! In thumbing through my Mom’s old editions of Victoria Magazine recently, I happened upon one such word in an article about the joys of collecting little treasures. The word is Bibelot, (pronounced “Bee-buh-low”), and is French, as you might guess. The French language seems to abound with pretty words with equally pretty definitions. This one means trinkets or objects that are treasures to you and that conjure up dear memories or bring you great delight simply because of what they represent to you. I have seashells from beaches in locations near and far, with the location written in Sharpie inside each one. Bibelots for sure! Another of my favorite collections is of tiny Avon Cotillion Cologne bottles that I’ve picked up at estate sales through the years. They were shaped like Genie bottles with little pointy pink caps. Inside each one, there is still a whiff of fragrance that is my Mom when she was in her 30’s and I was a little girl. Cotillion was her cologne from that era. Delights indeed!

Our dear PHBC is full of Bibelots, with everyone having their own favorites, based on how long they have been members and what ministries or people have been special to them. Although it isn’t tiny, one I love is the beautiful, traditional Williamsburg Advent Stand, given to the church by Ouida Cox. I

never see it without remembering this powerhouse of a woman, so ahead of her time in the field of journalism and photography. Another of my favorite PHBC bibelots is the collection of old teaching pictures from the mid-century era that I used during my decades of teaching preschool Sunday School. These are the realistic 11”X14” works of dramatic art in full color with jaw dropping paintings of storms at sea, walls of Jericho tumbling down in flames as Joshua and his army blow shiny horns and of frogs and

locusts infesting Egypt while Pharaoh watches from his palace in horror. There are a lot of storm clouds and lightening in these pictures. If you don’t think this holds the attention of a 3- or 4-year-old boy, think again. The new cartoon illustrations from the last couple of decades just don’t do the trick! I am indebted to those individuals who guarded this file of pictures through various purges during past years.

Another treasure is the dedication page in the Pew Bible right in front of you every Sunday morning. What a pleasant walk down memory lane! The Bibles near me the last two or three Sundays have yielded these lovely memories: “In memory of Wesley Thweatt, our grandson, by Jim and Sue Thweatt.” What a precious couple they were! “In memory of Ronnie Hagerty, our son and brother, by Ruth Hagerty and Ruth Ann Harvey.” I remember Ronnie. He died due to injuries suffered on a youth outing to a

hayride in Scott, back in 1968. The Hagerty family altered their work schedules to care for him until he died. That wonderful family carries on the tradition of caring for each other even now, all these years later. “In honor of Ruby George for her birthday, by her Secret Pal, 2008.” Who didn’t love that fun lady! “In memory of Marguerite Gardner, by Betsy and Gerald Berry.” Just reading those names brings happy memories of solid Christians who were pillars of this church!

Look around and remember the bibelots of the past that you hold dear, but at the same time, remember that we are creating new ones here at PHBC with every passing week. At some point in our future, no matter where we are, they too will be delights that we love to recall!

~ Becky Cornett


Sundaes on Sunday

